

PVC熱收縮商標 PVC Shrinkable Label

用途Purposes 適用於塑膠、玻璃、鐵等瓶裝或罐裝產品的商標薄膜。 Served as the Shrinkable Film of the plastic, vitreous and steel products that are cased by bottles or jars. 特性Characteristics 產品清晰透明,品質佳,且易於加工印刷。 Clear-cut and transparent, of high quality, and easy to process and press. FLAT WIDTH折徑  23~600 ...

橡(矽)膠輪 Rubber (Silicon) Coating Roll

應用於膠布與膠皮壓紋,以及相關製程之導輪。    1. Coating material: NBR, EPDM, PU, liquid silicon, solid silicon, etc. 2. The coating hardness could be adjustable according to process line condition. 3. Application: Suitable for the related guide rolls of embossing process of plastic she...

螺旋輪 Roll with Screw (Spiral) Structure

1.   輪具內部夾層採螺旋式導流熱交換效果佳。 2.  管壁與螺旋葉片鍍鉻處理,具防銹及減緩水垢沈積阻塞之效果,延長輪具使用壽命。      1. Double shells design with a single or multiple spirals, provide good performance on heat distribution and exchange. 2. Chrome plated on inner and outer shell (including...

鑽孔輪 Roll with Peripheral Bores

1. 輪具外環流道採鑽孔方式加工製作,輪面溫度分佈均勻 2. 適用於A-PET、光學用導光板等要求溫度均勻性高之產品生產 1. Processed lateral peripheral bores on roll provide good and uniform heat distribution performance. 2. Application: suitable for A-PET or optical plate production that requires highly uniform heat distributi...

霧面輪 Matt Finish Roll

1.  細霧面輪:輪面梨面電鍍處理,適用各產業設備導輪離型性佳,壽命長 2.  特殊霧面處理:配合光電產業擴散板生產需求 3.  依客戶需求粗度霧面處理:提供客戶各種印刷膠布及TAPE用膠布 4. 最大研磨尺寸直徑Φ2500mm*長度10,000mm  1. Fine matt finish roll: Chrome plated roll surface, suitable for guide rolls in various industries, with good releasing performance and long...

PVC膠粒 PVC Granules / Pellets

用於生產收縮膜 Granules for manufacturing shrink fi...

PVC熱收縮膜(L型) PVC Centerfold Shrink Film

用途Purposes 適用於紙盒(箱)、塑膠瓶、玩具、五金、玻璃瓶、鐵罐產品的外包裝膜。 Served as the packing Shrinkable Film of paper-made boxes (cases), plastic bottles, toys, hardware, vitreous bottles, steel jars. 特性Characteristics 產品清晰透明,品質佳,可用於集體或自動包裝。 transparent, of high quality, sweat-proof and not crack easily, in conformity...

珠光紙 PEPA® Synthetic Paper--2. 塗佈型Coated Type

產  品  項  目 紙張厚度(μ) 推  薦  用  途 1. 單面雪銅 ( 捲 裝 ) PG-54 54 各式印刷、塗佈基材、熱轉印標籤用  PG-75 75 PG-95 95 PG-114 114 PG-144 144 PG-155 155 PG-174 174 PG-176 176 2. 單面雪銅+一面霧面(捲裝) PG-156 156 廣告印刷、塗佈基材、燈箱廣告  PG-157 157 PG-175 175 3. 雙面雪銅 ( 片 裝 ) PH-80 80 平版印刷用紙、地圖、旗幟、、產品說明書、名片封面、 雜誌書刊、年曆、月曆、吊牌 PH-100 100 PH-120 120 PH-130 130 PH-150 150 PH-180 180 PH-200 200 4. 雙面雪銅 ( 捲 裝 ) PI-80 80 熱轉印用紙、網印海報、貼合用塗佈基材及供平版印刷用切片紙捲 PI-100 100 PI-120 120 PI-130 130 PI-150 150 PI-180 180 PI-200 200 PI-182 182 網印海報、廣告海報、塗佈基材    Product  Thickness (μ) RecommendedApplications 1. Single-side...

台麗綾聚酯薄膜 PET Film / Tairilin Polyethlene Terephthalate Film

1.BP21 泛用型膜 可生產厚度:9-125μ;應用產品:彩藝印刷、塗佈、貼合、離型、轉印、電鍍、金銀絲、絕緣包覆 2.BS21、BH21 高透明膜 可生產厚度:12-125μ; 38-125μ;應用產品:燙金轉寫、遮陽隔熱紙、雷射膜、商標 3.BP21M、BH21M PE淋膜貼合用膜 可生產厚度:12-125μ; 38-125μ;應用產品:護貝膜及PE膜淋膜用膜 4.BD11、BF11 電子級用膜 可生產厚度:16-100μ;應用產品:乾膜、軟性電路板、薄膜開關及其他電子用膜 5.BM21、BB21、BT21 霧面膜 可生產厚度:9-125μ;應用產品:離型、轉印、消金之商標 6.BW21、BY21...