

中央自動供料系統 Central Feeding System

本系統係射出機、吹瓶機、吹袋機、異型押出工廠等原料供給之全自動配備,集結了原料投料、貯料、輸送、配色及粉碎料比例回收等整體化之設備。 本系統特點如下: ●省力化、大量減低人工成本。 ●操作鍵盤集中,人員培訓容易。 ●自動化、電子記憶、自動執行、無斷料及人為投料錯誤缺失。 ●適用多種原料之供給,清理換色容易。 ●大量輸送,節約電力,連續供料,品質穩定。 ●全部設備密封性作業,環保又無原料損失之虞。 ●Less man power required, greatly reduce labor cost. ●All key pads on one control...

鐵氟龍塗覆輪 / 鐵氟龍輪 Teflon Coating Roll

1.  鐵氟龍塗覆:粉體Teflon塗覆用於光電半導體業和CCL下導輪與傳電輪、絕緣和離型性佳 2.  鐵氟龍特性:耐高溫、耐磨、抗粘、因此鐵氟龍被廣泛噴塗在塑膠、橡膠模具上起脫模作用,同時也廣泛應用在輥輪上      1. Teflon coating : The Teflon powder coating roll are used in optical semiconductor industry and copper foil production with excellent insulating...

超鏡面輪 Super Mirror Finish Roll

★輪面粗度在Ra:0.01μm以下,輥面平整度佳,無縱周向振動痕跡及波浪痕跡,用於光電產業之導光板、覆膜等產品效果極佳        ★最大拋光尺寸直徑Φ1300mm*長度2200mm  ★Surface roughness is under Ra 0.01µm, excellent mirror and flat surface without horizontal or uneven wheel mark. The super mirror finish roll is...

PETG熱收縮膜 PETG Shrinkable Film

用途  Purposes 適用於熱收縮膜包裝的紙箱、塑膠瓶、玩具、五金、玻璃瓶、鐵罐產品 PETG收縮膜。 Served as the packing shrinkable film of paper-made boxes (cases), plastic bottles, toys, hardware, vitreous bottles, steel jars. 2. PETG shrinkable film. 特性  Characteristics 產品清晰透明、品質佳、防水、不容易開裂、符合環保的要求、方便打印。 Clear-cut and transparent,...

PVC熱收縮管 瓶套 PVC Shrinkable Tube or Cup Seal

用途  Purposes 適用於塑膠、玻璃、鐵等瓶或罐產品的外包裝膜。 Served as the packing Shrinkable Film of plastic, vitreous and steel bottles or jars. 特性  Characteristics 產品清晰透明,品質佳,可用於自動機器,或加工成型。 Clear-cut and transparent, of high quality, applied to automatic machines or processed into shaping packages. ...

PVC熱收縮袋 PVC Shrinkable Bag

用途  Purposes 適用於紙盒(箱)、塑膠、玩具、五金、玻璃、鐵等瓶(罐)產品的外包裝袋。 Served as the packing bags of the paper-made boxes (cases), plastic products, toys, hardware, vitreous products and steel bottles (jars). 特性   Characteristics 產品清晰透明,品質佳,可防污、防盜開,還可配合印刷,使產品更美麗。 Clear-cut and transparent, of high...

珠光紙 PEPA® Synthetic Paper--1. 非塗佈型Uncoated Type

推薦用途: 背膠標籤 (示意圖) Recommended use: Pressure Sensitive Labels (Illustration) 推薦用途: 積層貼合熱封用食品包裝 (示意圖) Recommended use: Laminated, Sealing foods package paper (Illustration) 推薦用途: 環罐標籤(示意圖) Recommended use: Wrap around label (Illustration) 產  品  項  目 ...