★產品物性僅供參考,實際以交貨提供的檢驗證明書(certificate of analysis)為主。
並可客製化為各產業打造專用輥輪, 如紙業、印刷業、塑橡膠、金屬、鋼鐵業、合板、電子業、機械工業等。
NAN YA YU is a Taiwan-based professional supplier of PVC Decorative Films Laminating with wood board material, Sheeting, PEPA Synthetic Paper, PVC Shrinkable Film, PP Synthetic Paper, PET Film, TPU Carpets, PU Leather, and machinery. We are ready to accept any custom-made orders especially for your new designs.
★Customized Items: Cutting treatment, surface embossing, water colors, anti-static, surface treatments, weather resistance treatment, products with special specifications, etc.
★The information regarding physical properties of our products is only for your reference. It is subject to the actual certificate of analysis that shall be delivered.
Besides, our rollers are custom-made for paper, printing, plastic, rubber, metal, steel, plywood, electronics, and mechanical engineering industries.
*建材 Building & Decorating Materials
I. 建材膠布 / 印貼壓建材 PVC Decorative Films
1. 木板材貼合膠布For Wood Board Laminates
2. 金屬板材貼合膠布For Metal Plate Laminates
3. 塑膠板材貼合膠布For Plastics Panel Laminates
II. 合成皮 PU Leather
III. 軟質膠布 / 半硬質膠布 SHEETING
1. 防水膠布 Profile Geomembrane liner
2. 吹氣膠布 Inflatable PVC Sheeting
3. 透明膠布 Clear PVC Sheeting
4. 一般膠布 Flexible PVC Sheeting for General Application
5. 半硬質膠布 Heavy Gauge Clear PVC Sheeting
6. 厚透明膠布 Thick Special Double Polish Clear PVC Sheet
7. 貼壓膠布 Laminated and Embossed PVC Sheeting
8. 高亮度標籤 Super High Gloss PVC Sheeting
9. 厚透明門簾膠布 Door Strip DPC In Heavy Gauge
10. 印刷膠布 Printed PVC Sheeting
11. 印貼壓膠布 Printed, Laminated and Embossed PVC Sheeting
12. 建材膠布 Flexible PVC Sheeting for Building Material
13. 天安黑砂皮 / 黑砂膜
IV. PVC硬質膠布 PVC Rigid Film and Sheet
V. PP合成紙 PP Synthetic Paper and Sheet
1. 非塗佈型 Uncoated Type
VI. 珠光紙 PEPA® Synthetic Paper
1. 非塗佈型 Uncoated Type
2. 塗佈型Coated Type
VII. 台麗綾聚酯薄膜 PET Film / Tairilin Polyethlene Terephthalate Film
VIII. PVC膠粒 PVC Granules PVC Pellets
IX. 碳纖維布 Carbon Fiber
X. 發泡膠布 PVC Sponge Sheet
XI. 電鍍膠布
*包材 Packaging Materials
I. PVC熱收縮商標 PVC Shrinkable Label
II. PVC熱收縮袋PVC Shrinkable Bag
III. PVC熱收縮管 瓶套 PVC Shrinkable Tube or Cup Seal
IV. PVC熱收縮膜(L型) PVC Centerfold
V. PETG熱收縮膜 PETG Shrinkable Film
*機械 Machinery
I. 超鏡面輪 Super Mirror Finish Roll
II. 鐵氟龍塗覆輪 Teflon Coating Roll
III. 霧面輪 Matt Finish Roll
IV. 鑽孔輪 Roll with Peripheral Bores
V. 螺旋輪 Roll with Screw (Spiral) Structure
VI. 橡(矽)膠輪 Rubber (Silicon) Coating Roll
VII. 中央自動供料系統 Central Feeding System
*其他 Others
純魚油(製皮革用) Fish Oil for Leather